Friday, March 13, 2020

Seller Beware The Big Reasons Deals Don’t Close

Today’s episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom
Factory “Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don’t

Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the
transcript below.

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

How Do I Sell My Business?

When is the Right Time to Sell My Business?

Transcript of Podcast

Robert Hirsch business broker from Freedom FactoryHi everybody. This is Robert from Freedom
Factory and I want to talk to you about it a pretty serious topic
today, and it’s the biggest reason that deals don’t close. Now,
personally, my close rate on deals has been really strong over the
last 10 or 15 years, but I see a lot of people, you know, the
industry standard, they close less than 50% of deals.

So, it’s almost unbelievable when you think 50% of people that
agree to pay a price for a business don’t actually buy it. And I
want to jump into why that is, and more importantly, how can you
can make sure that doesn’t happen to you. So first of all, when the
biggest reason that I see that deals don’t close is usually when
the numbers drop off a cliff.

And the reason that happens is because the entrepreneur is
trying to do too much. So as running a business as an entrepreneur
takes a lot of work, and when we sell a business, we’re partners
for a short period of time. I talk a lot about our 147-day selling
process and a lot of times it works in that time. Sometimes it
takes a little bit longer, sometimes or even faster. But the number
one thing when we’re selling your business is to let us do our job
as you have to do your job and make sure the numbers are still
going on the same trend line that they were. If you’re growing at
3% a month. The this time can be the absolute most important time
for you to do it. Not only because you get paid the best. What that
means, for example, let’s say, you’re selling your business on
earnings and you’re getting a multiple of five times earnings. When
you sell it, you’re actually getting paid six times on every sale
you ever make, which means you’re getting paid once in the cash and
five times you’re earning is when you sell it.

Now, if you were making six times your usual value when you sell
a business, do you think you would sell harder? I sure would. And
having the right broker and the right partner to be able to sell it
for you, we’re going to handle the process. We’re going to handle
the phone calls. We’re going to handle the Q and a, the

We’re going to prequalify your buyers. We’re going to take all
that off of your plate. In fact, until the buyers had been
prequalified, and we have an LOI on the table, we don’t even put
them on the phone with you. We want to preserve your time as much
as you can so you can run your business as profitably as we can,
and we can do our job.

And again, what we do at Freedom Factory is make sure to build
as much deal tension as we can. So that’s getting the most people
introduced to the business, either through a combination of inbound
or outbound and marketing materials going through a Q and A process
and getting all the buyers to go to our process, meaning the
sellers process.

We do Q and A here. We do prequalification here; we do LOI’s
here. We start to go through and we get the funnel and we find the
perfect buyer and the perfect fit for you. Bottom line is the
partnership’s pretty simple – for the next year, you run your
business, we focus on selling your business.
When you’re talking to a broker, you’re making the right decision.
Try and find somebody that’s not just a sales guy or just sells
businesses for a living. Find a career entrepreneur; someone that
speaks entrepreneur, somebody that understands that. Just because
you’ve built the business and got it to here doesn’t mean that you
want to run it for the rest of your life.

Sometimes as entrepreneurs, I look at us as the producers or the
builders or the contributors, and, and if I’m not on point and on
passion in my business, you can feel it. And it’s not the same
thing. And so if you’re an entrepreneur that has a business that
you’re no longer passionate about, just because you took the train
to Chicago, doesn’t mean you want to drag the train around with you
once you get there. Give us a call and we’ll be able to help figure
out the best way for you to transition to something you are
passionate about so you can build massive, massive value.

One other truth is that time kills all deals. And every deal
goes sideways. We have buyer’s remorse. People often talk about
it’s the house as the biggest purchase you ever going to make.
Well, that’s not true if you’re buying or selling a business. Often
for me, buying and selling a business is the biggest purchase, or
is the biggest purchase or sale that my clients are ever going to

And the more time you have, more likely the buyer is to have a
little bit of buyer’s remorse. Or if one little thing goes wrong,
maybe they latch onto that, we have a bad month or bad week, and
they use that as an example of why the business isn’t as good as
they thought they would. So at the best-case scenario, they’re
going to try and buy it for a little less of a price, which isn’t
going to feel good to you, the seller, or to me, the broker. And
the worst-case scenario is they just back off and they go dark and
they don’t want to do it and they pull it out of escrow, and then
we have to begin the process all over again.

So again, when you, when you look at these types of things, what
I’ve found in 20 years of doing this is every deal is going to go
sideways at least once. And that’s where my experience comes into
play. That’s where we can get it through. I’ve seen deals go
sideways for every reason you can think of yet I still get
surprised and see new deals go sideways all the time. We’ll get you
through it. We’ll keep a smooth, steady hand. You keep running the
business and keep the fundamentals going up and up and up, and
we’re going to sell your business for more than anybody else in the

Now, if you have any questions on selling your business, why
deals go sideways or what the process looks like. Why don’t you
give us a call at freedom factory? We’ll talk you through that and
any other questions that you might have. Thank you so much for
watching. Please like and
and we’ll see you soon.


Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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Managing Partners

Robert Hirsch

Tyler Tysdal, Business Broker



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