How do you sell your business for maximum value? Robert
Hirsch from Freedom Factory, discusses the Secrets of Selling
Your Business for Maximum Value”.
Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the
transcript below.
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Transcript of Podcast
What are the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum
Hi, it’s Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory. And I wanted to
talk to you about a really important subject. And these are really
the secrets of selling a business for maximum value. And so, at
Freedom Factory, we do a lot of the work for you in terms of what
it takes to be able to sell your business.
And we have a great partnership, and I’ll get into that in a
little bit, but more than anything else what we do is help you
craft your best story, and when you’re crafting a story, it needs
to make sense to buyers. It needs to make sense on why you’re
selling, why you started it, why the business has grown.
What are your sustainable competitive advantages or your key
differentiators in the marketplace? Some people call that unique
selling proposition, but we need to create a story that answers
more questions than it creates. When you create stories buyers hit
the brakes and it slows down. As we’ve talked about a lot, time
kills all deals. So it’s really working with the right broker
that’s going to help you craft that story. Also, when you’re
selling your business, be super authentic and true to who you are.
We’re in my backyard now in the mountains of Colorado, and it is a
gorgeous, yet slightly chilly all day. I was up here and we’re
thinking about it. I’m answering these emails and I’m like, . Why
don’t I just go outside and shoot a video and I’m not in the
office. I put on a sport coat because it was cold. But I get to
authentically be myself. And when you’re authentically yourself,
people can feel it and hopefully you feel that now.
And when you’re selling your business, we want
to make sure your buyers feel that. That’s unbelievably important.
And so I often talk about when you pick a broker, it’s a
partnership. You need to make sure the business is going. The
number one reason that deals fall apart is because something
changes. Your sales drop off a cliff. You don’t hit your
projections, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
You want to make sure that every time you give a buyer a set of
projections, you need to have an already hit. I speak virtually,
but you want to make sure that you’re going to hit it otherwise,
just be a little less optimistic. But we want to create a track
record of success with our buyers where we systematically exceed
their expectations. I’ve had sellers tell me at the end, they say,
Robert, this is my best sales month ever. Do I really want to sell
it? And I’m like, Huey, this is exactly the time to sell it. You’re
on a high, you’re on the home stretch, you’re selling it for
maximum value. And this is just making the buyer feel more
comfortable with their decision.
And not only are you getting paid once, but you’re getting paid
once, plus your multiple, right?
So if you sell it once, you get the money from that. If you sell
it on a four times multiple, you’re actually making five times
that. It’s great. These are the best problems to have. When you
have a business broker, you want to make sure that you find the
best one that’s going to be able to drive the most value. We’ve
taken businesses and been able to reposition them. We’ve been able
to recast their financials. We’ve been able to literally over
triple the selling price of the business to what they expected
coming in from their EBIDTA.
This is really different than a realtor or a broker for real
estate. Ultimately when you’re selling real estate, you’re limited
by the appraisal value. So even if you have the greatest broker in
the world, it’s not going to make that much of a difference
compared to at an average broker, maybe five or 10% but when you’re
talking about doubling or tripling your price, you need to take all
the information that’s available to you. Put it together. Find the
right partner, and then go to market together.
The broker, he or she is going to be selling your business. And
that’s all we do here at Freedom Factory. You the entrepreneur, are
going to be running your business and making sure that we stick the
landing to drive it through to a successful completion. If you have
questions on this or anything like it, why don’t you give us a call
here at Freedom Factory? We’d love to talk to you about it. I’m
Robert Hirsch. Thank you so much for spending your valuable time
with us and we’ll talk to you soon.
Contact Freedom Factory
Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)
Also, Follow Freedom Factory here
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